Heders- och gästföreläsare
Hedersföreläsare (Bervenpristagare 2025)
Lori Pierce, professor, Michigan, USA.
Föreläsningens titel: tbd.
Lori Pierce is a radiation oncologist in the United States. She is a Full Professor and Vice Provost for Academic and Faculty Affairs at the University of Michigan, and she was the 57th President of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). Her research focuses on the use of radiotherapy in the multi-modality treatment of breast cancer, with emphasis on intensity modulated radiotherapy in node positive breast cancer, the use of radiosensitizing agents, and the outcomes in women with breast cancer who are BRCA1-carriers treated with radiation. Pierce was in 2019, elected as a member of the National Academy of Medicine in recognition of her “research in developing radiation treatments for breast cancer that leverage advances in medical physics and laboratory science and for national efforts to draw women and people of color into medicine." This year she is nominated for the Berven prize and she will give an honorary lecture at Onkologidagarna in Sundsvall.
Hedersföreläsare Jan Waldenström
Johann de Bono, professor, The Institute of Cancer Research and the Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom.
Föreläsningens titel: Elucidating disease biology to impact prostate cancer care.
“Cancer research is a hugely rewarding career. Collaboration and mentorship are key to a productive and fruitful service for cancer sufferers.”
Professor Johann de Bono is a clinician-scientist and Regius Professor of Cancer Research at The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR), an independent college of The University of London, and The Royal Marsden Hospital. He is the Head of the Division of Clinical Studies at the ICR and Director of The Royal Marsden Drug Development Unit. He leads the Royal Marsden Prostate Cancer Targeted Therapy team. Professor de Bono is a world leader in prostate cancer research, having changed the treatment of prostate cancer multiple times through trials of abiraterone, cabazitaxel, enzalutamide and olaparib. He runs a laboratory focused on biomarker analyses supporting anticancer drug development and has led on the clinical development of multiple PARP inhibitors, including talazoparib, niraparib and olaparib; his work on PARP inhibitors for sufferers of advanced prostate resulted in the discovery that germline and somatic DNA repair defects are common in lethal prostate cancer. His group have also co‐led studies mapping the genomic landscape of advanced prostate cancer, also showing how circulating biomarkers (circulating tumor cells and circulating tumor DNA NGS) can be used for managing these diseases. His work has changed international guidelines on germline testing in men with advanced prostate cancer and has resulted in the first molecular stratification for this commonest of male cancers. He has also led on the clinical development of many other novel agents including the AKT inhibitor ipatasertib, ATR inhibitors, immunoconjugates and radioimmunoconjugates targeting for example PSMA, and multi‐specific antibody constructs. His group are grateful for grant support from multiple funders including Cancer Research UK and the UK NIHR, including funding to the ICR/RM Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre (ECMC), MRC, Prostate Cancer UK and the Movember Foundation, the Prostate Cancer Foundation, the V Foundation for Cancer Research, the John Black Charitable Foundation and the US Department of Defense.
Hedersföreläsare Acta Oncologica####
Bengt Glimelius, professor och överläkare, Uppsala Akademiska Sjukhus och Uppsala Universitet.
Föreläsningens titel: tbd.
Professor Bengt Glimelius är för närvarande seniorprofessor i onkologi vid Uppsala universitet och överläkare vid Akademiska sjukhuset. Dr Glimelius tilldelades full professur i onkologi vid Uppsala universitet 1998. Mellan 1998 och 2014 var han också professor vid Karolinska Institutet och överläkare vid Karolinska sjukhuset, Stockholm. Prof. Glimelius har skrivit långt över 750 artiklar i peer-reviewed tidskrifter och flera bokkapitel, han har även varit vice ordförande under sex år i Forskningsnämnden på Cancerfonden. I nästan två decennier var han chefredaktör för Acta Oncologica. Hans forskning har varit fokuserad på kolorektal cancer och täcker alla aspekter från preklinisk molekylär forskning till kliniska randomiserade studier. Resultaten har förändrat hur man behandlar tjock- och ändtarmscancer världen över. Andra forskningsområden har varit maligna lymfom, radioterapi och psykosocial omvårdnad. Prof Glimelius har under sin karriär tilldelats flera utmärkelser såsom ESTRO Lifetime Award och Hamilton Fairley Award (ESMO). Prof. Glimelius har handlett omkring 50 doktorander till framgångsrika examinationer.
Sjuksköterskor i Cancervårds hedersföreläsare
Lena Sharp, specialistsjuksköterska och Medicine doktor, är avdelningschef vid RCC, Stockholm-Gotland.
Föreläsningens titel: På väg mot jämlik vård – från vision till verklighet.
Hon var tidigare ordförande för European Oncology Nursing Society (EONS) och projektledare för PrEvCan-initiativet PrEvCan - EONS - The European Oncology Nursing Society. Lena är President Elect för ISNCC (International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care). Lena har varit cancersjuksköterska sedan 1985. Hon har lång erfarenhet från klinisk cancervård, ledarskap, undervisning och forskning. Hennes huvudsakliga fokusområden inom forskning är patientsäkerhet, kommunikation, ledarskap, förebyggande, ojämlikheter och cancervårdsorganisation. Hon har erfarenhet av att leda cancerförebyggande arbete, regionalt, nationellt och internationellt, med särskilt fokus på cancerrelaterade ojämlikheter. Lena och hennes team fick det första hälso- och sjukvårdens jämställdhetspris i Stockholm 2018. Under 2021 tilldelades Lena The Robert Tiffany Award in Cancer Nursing samt EONS Life-time Achievement Award.
Sara Faithfull, PhD, MSc, BSc (hons), RN.
Föreläsningens titel: PROMs in oncology: a future beyond research.
Sara Faithfull, PhD, MSc, BSc (hons), RN is Adjunct Professor at Trinity College Dublin, University of Dublin, School of Medicine in the Discipline of Radiation therapy, Ireland and was until 2021 Professor, in the Faculty of Health, and Medical Sciences, University of Surrey, UK. She has worked in oncology for the last 37 years with a research interest in cancer treatment late effects and the impact these have on people living with and beyond cancer. Professor Faithfull was president of the European Oncology Nursing Society from 2008-2010 and is a nominated member of the European Academy of Cancer Scientists.